[+] Smitten Kitten
[+] Fatuity Fair
[+] The Mutiny of All Your Gestures
[+] Gaea
[+] White Elephants
[+] Katie, Bar the Door
[+] Fine
Tokyo Jupiter Compilation II
[+] Brace Yourself! This Is I We're Leaving
[+] Standing Up on Swings
[+] That Way Madness Lies
We'll Build an Ark
[+] Mice On Drugs in Pretty Cages
[+] This Is the Party
[+] Stories Like Ants in New York
[+] Epilogue Day (Debut)
[+] 2012 - [Japanese-日本語] Rive Presentation - Hyper Enough Records (Distro)
[+] 2016 - [Russian-ру́сский] We'll Build An Ark Presentation - Godnota Music (VK)
[+] 2016 - [Russian-ру́сский] We'll Build An Ark Presentation - hello broken bones (VK)
[+] 2016 - [Russian-ру́сский] We'll Build An Ark Presentation - Hope (VK)
[+] 2015 - [Russian-ру́сский] Rive Presentation - E:\music\screamo (VK)
[+] 2012 - [German-Deutsch] Rive Review on a forum - Forum of Metal Hammer (Forum)
[+] 2012 - [English] Seila Chiara presentation - French punk & violence (Blog)
[+] 2012 - [German-Deutsch] Rive Review - OxFanzine (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [French-Français] Chronique de "Rive" - Metalorgie (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [Chinese-中国语] We'll Build an Ark Presentation - Psycho Distro (Distro)
[+] 2012 - [French-Français] Chronique de Rive - Indie Rock Mag (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [Italian-Italiano] Critica di Rive - The New Noise (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [French-Français] Biographie - W-Fenec (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [French-Français] Chronique de Rive - W-Fenec (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [German-Deutsch] Rive Review - Allschools Network (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [German-Deutsch] Rive Review - (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [German-Deutsch] Rive Review - This borderline fuckup is still about to drool... (Blog)
[+] 2012 - [Japanese-日本語] Rive Presentation - Long Legs Long Arms (Distro)
[+] 2012 - [French-Français] Chronique de Rive - Visual Music (Webzine)
[+] 2012 - [English] We'll Build an Ark Presentation - Breaking the Music (Tumblr)
[+] 2012 - [Russian-ру́сский] Rive Presentation - Kick the Horizon (Blog)
[+] 2012 - [English] Rive Presentation - Gogo Yoko
[+] 2012 - [English] Rive 10" description - Moment of Collapse (label)
[-] 2011 - [English/Japanese-日本語] Interview - Tokyo Jupiter Records (label)
Special Interview with Seila Chiara for New EP "Rive"

TJP=Tokyo Jupiter SC=Seila Chiara

TJP: Hi, Seila Chiara! How have you been lately? It seems like a long time ago when we met during the European tour in this spring. Actually, in April, you Seila Chiara toured and showed through Europe―Belgium, Germany, and France―, in company with a Japanese band, Nonrem. What is your impression of the European tour?


SC: Hi Kimi and Shun! We've been doing pretty well recently, thanks! The tour was truly amazing : we were really happy to meet you Kimi (for the first time for some of us) and to get to know the guys from Nonrem who are wonderful people and with whom we got along very well. We realized that, even though we all grew up in different places and cultures, we are actually quite alike! It was only our second tour, so we were really excited about it, and I think it surpassed what we had imagined it to be : the people who welcomed us were simply awesome, and we got very nice responses from those who came to the shows, for us and Nonrem.


TJP: During your tour in Belgium, you had experiences of co-acting with The Black Heart Rebellion and Kingdom for the first time. Both of them are a kind of representative artists of our Tokyo Jupiter Records. To you Seila Chiara, it seemed to be a great experience of playing with those bands that you don't usually a live show with (because of geographical distance and so on). And then, how about the Gent gig in Belgium?

ベルギーではTOKYO JUPITERを代表するバンドThe Black Heart RebellionやKingdomらと初めて共演を果たしました。普段ショーを一緒にできないバンドと共演できたことはSeila Chiaraにとって貴重な経験だったと思いますが、ベルギーGentでの彼らとのライヴはいかがでしたか?

SC: The concert in Gent was, for one, the first time we ever played with another band from Tokyo Jupiter Records, and it felt really nice to be part of some sort of "family". We've been following what TBHR does for the past years and so it was great to see their intense show and to get to know them. After a 700km drive, we really felt at home and that feeling was very precious. It was also our first time seeing Kingdom play, which was a great discovery for us, as well as Nonrem: after meeting them, having surreal english/japanese/french/sign language conversations with them and seeing their live show, we all thought to ourselves "Ok, this tour is going to be awesome!"

まず、Gentでのコンサートで、僕らは初めてTokyo Jupiter Recordsの別のバンドと共演できたわけなんだけど、何かそれは「家族」の一部になれた気がして実に心地が良かった。僕らはこの何年かずっとTBHRを追いかけていたから、彼らの力強いショーを間近で見て、しかも彼らと知り合えるなんて凄いことだよ。700kmのドライヴ後でも、家にいる時みたいに気楽だったし、そういう気分でいられたのはとても貴重な経験だったね。それから、初めて見たKingdomの演奏だけど、あれはデカイ発見だった。もちろん、Nonremも同じくらい大きな発見だったよ:彼らと出会って、彼らと英語・日本語・フランス語・身振りを使ったシュールな会話をして、彼らのライヴショーを見た後には、僕らは皆心の中で思ったよ、「OK、このツアーは凄いことになるぞ!」とね。

TJP: As you said before, you once visited Germany during the tour with Adolar in 2009. What do you think about the second band tour to Germany?


SC: This new visit of Germany confirmed what we had thought during our first tour : we need to go back to Germany as soon as we can, it's a wonderful place to tour : the people are very enthusiastic about music, they love discovering new bands, there are tones of great/surprising places to play in and very nice people to welcome you.


TJP: As host band of "TOKYO JUPITER FEST 2011", you welcomed to your local town, Lyon, a lot of bands coming from different countries: I Had Plans in Portugal; TotorRo in France; Up There: The Clouds and Gottesmorder both in Italy. Such an attempt was, supposedly, unprecedented for you Seila Chiara, but how about that inter-cultural experience with those bands?

また"TOKYO JUPITER FEST 2011"のホストバンドとして、ポルトガルのI Had Plans、フランスのTotorRo、イタリアのUp There: The Clouds、Gottesmorder等、多くの異国のバンドらを地元リヨンに迎え入れましたね。このような試みはSeila Chiaraとしては初めてだったと思いますが、実際に経験してみていかがでしたか?

SC: What a great experience! It wasn't very simple to organize, but the important thing was that we were able to have many people from different cultures meet. This is actually one of the main purposes of having a band : to meet new people from all around the world. It was a lot of fun to talk so many languages in such a short time : English, Japanese, French, Italian and Portuguese. If you add German, Flemish and the French Belgium accent (just kidding) during the tour, I wonder how our brains didn't pop!


Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time to welcome everyone like we should have. The fest happened at the end of our tour so we were really rushed, busy with organizing details, tired and overwhelmed, and we regret not spending more time with every band that came. Everything seemed too short, but I really hope we'll be able to live something like this once again!


TJP: So, anyway, let's move on to the next topic: about a new EP "Rive".

では今回のNew EP"Rive"について。

Looking back at your past releases, in "We'll Build an Ark", it has long-playing tunes strongly expressing profound post-rock color and tone; in "SPLIT w/Orfèvre", it includes hooky and jaunty but aggressive short tunes. Now, in this “Rive,” we assume from each song that, while awfully harmonizing the essences pervading through the past works, you refine your style of expressing things colorfully as well as are successful in opening a new phase of Seila Chiara's artistic vision. And, we'd like to know how you yourself feel about “Rive.” Do you also consider it is something like a breakthrough in your creativity?

1st demo"We'll Build an Ark"では深淵なポストロック・カラーが色濃く表れた長尺のチューン、"SPLIT w/Orfèvre"ではフックの効いた軽快でアグレッシヴなショートチューン、そして今回の"Rive"ではその両方のエッセンスを見事に調和させつつも、多彩な感情表現、そしてSeila Chiaraとしての新たな魅力を得ることに成功した作品だと思います。ご自身では"Rive"についてどう考えていますか?またそれはクリエイティブ面でのブレイクスルーのような何かであると考えますか?

SC: Hmm, no I don't think we see this EP as a "breakthrough", but maybe that's because the songs were written 2-3 years ago now. I guess it's more like a new step towards what we really want to be doing.


"We'll Build an Ark" was the expression of a lot of musical frustration and inspiration, accumulated before creating the band, that we had to let out. It took the form of very long songs because we felt like we wanted to take our time and go to the end of each idea, and create stories to live rather than songs to listen to. We also wanted to open up our inspiration sources, to be sure that, in the future, we'd never feel inspirationally locked.

"We'll Build an Ark"はバンド結成以前に蓄積してきた、外に吐き出さねばならない音楽へのフラストレーションやインスピレーションの多くを表現したものだったんだ。長い曲になってしまったのは、互いのアイデアを出し切るまでとにかく時間をかけて、そこに人生が垣間見られるようなストーリーを作りたいと思っていたからなんだ。単に聴くための曲を作るというよりはね。それに僕らはインスピレーションの根源を包み隠さず明かしたかったんだ。そうすれば感動や刺激の扉に鍵をかけてしまうことは今後なくなるだろうと思ってね。

The songs from the split with Orfèvre (or our self-titled 7") were actually written after the songs from "Rive", but they really didn't have the same purpose : we took the opportunity of a split record to try something new, and to create some "motivational" songs that talked about our relationship to music and to our band.

Orfèvreとのスプリット(あるいはS/T 7")は、実のところ"Rive"の曲を書いた後に出来たものだけど、それらは全く同じ意図を持っているわけではないんだ:スプリットを出す機会を利用して新しいことにトライしたかった。そして僕らの音楽とバンド自身の関係について語る、「動機付けとなる」曲を作ろうとしたんだ。

For "Rive", I guess the goal was to structure the songs better in order to have our thoughts fit in more "accessible" time spans. We wanted to do better, to find new inspiration sources and to express a wide range of different feelings in songs that never resembled one another. The original goal was to make a quick "Indie" EP, to experiment with something new before going on to a first full-length, but apparently it took 3 years!


TJP: Especially, the quality of melodies in "Rive" is so strikingly good as to become tuned quickly into our ears. In fact, when you played some of the new songs during the tour, it appeared that the audience listened really attentively to your music. And, I remember that they really enjoyed, and reacted well to your performance.


SC: Thanks! Well I guess it kind of worked then, like I said we wanted the songs to be more "pop" in a way, in the sense that people can catch on to the song's heart quickly. But we also wanted the songs to have a deeper level as well, so that people can enjoy them for awhile and not consume them in a few listens, discovering new things after the n-th listen.


TJP: As mentioned before, with each release, Seila Chiara has always been reflecting artistical changes in style and quality. However, in every concert, you make a setlist by selecting from all your works that you have written. And besides, the songs which you perform on stage do not only show an indication of your progress as artist, but also possibly bring out the uniqueness of Seila Chiara.

前述の通り、Seila Chiaraの音楽スタイルは作品の度に変化を見せています。ですが実際にライヴでは特定の作品に偏ることなく全ての作品から楽曲をプレイし、尚且つ演奏する全ての楽曲にアーティストとしての成長を示しているだけでなく、Seila Chiaraの個性をも引き出せているように感じさせます。

On the surface, the style of your music seems to be freewheeling and unrestrained, and so, how do you create each song? And, what are you concerned with in songwriting? Moreover, is there any change in the way of creating between "Rive" and the past?

Seila Chiaraの音楽は自由で制限のないスタイルのように思えるのですが、どのように楽曲制作を行っているのでしょうか?曲作りの際には何に気をつけていますか?さらには、"Rive"と過去の作品とで楽曲制作の方法の上で何かしら変化はありましたか?

SC: Usually the songs originate either from a text and the feeling attached to it, or a musical inspiration (for "Rive" we were very inspired by the band Des Ark for example, or the feeling of Jazz music) or idea we want to explore. Then we work on the idea together, usually questioning our choices a bunch of times before making some final decisions.

普段の曲作りは、何かしらのテキストやそれを読んだとき(書いたとき)の感情、あるいは何か音楽からのインスピレーション("Rive"に関してだと、Des Arkといったバンドや、ジャズのフィーリングあたりに感化されたよ)だったり、探求したいアイデアを基に行っているんだ。それからメンバー全員でアイデア作りに取り組んで、最終的に決定するまでにたいてい結構な時間をかけて何を選んでいくか決めていくんだ

What concerns us the most, but that I think we still need to work hard on, is the idea of having different listening levels in a song. The song should be enjoyed with passion in a live show, in your living room while doing something else, and with your headphones when you're very attentive and curious.


Another concern is meaning. Each choice we make should have meaning in regards to the lyrics and the song's intent. Same thing goes for the artwork as well, for which we closely worked with Aude and Magali.


For "We'll Build an Ark", we constructed most of the songs around texts I had written beforehand ("Stories Like Ants in New York" was written as early as 2004), which wasn't the case for "Rive". We also rarely went back on the choices we made, we were just happy to finish each song (making over 15 minute songs really is a different experience in terms of song-writing and recording). "We'll Build an Ark"についていえば、曲の大半を僕がだいぶ前に書いたものから構成していったんだけど、"Rive"ではそうはならなかったんだ。それに一度決めた選択に戻ることはほとんどやめて、とにかく各曲を完成させていくのが楽しくて仕方なかったんだよ(15分超えの曲を作るのは、作曲、レコーディングの上で本当に特殊な経験なんだ)。

I think all-in-all we had a little more experience and put in more concentration for "Rive".


TJP:What if you would express Seila Chiara's music in a word or phrase, though it seems too hard to do so?

決して一言では表現し難いSeila Chiaraの音楽性をあえて一言で表現するとしたら?

SC: That's a question that's been nagging us for quite awhile now! Maybe the day we'll be able to answer it will be the day we've finally discovered what we want to do. Or maybe if we answer it, it will mean that we're not going in the right direction...


TJP: Rafik (Gr.) had been formerly in charge of mixing and mastering in the past, but in this "Rive", Benoît Bel was newly selected for the most important role for production. What's the reason to pick him as mastering engineer?

これまで楽曲のミックス・マスタリングはRafik(Gr.)が行っていましたが、今回は新たにBenoît Belという人物が手がけていますね。この新たな起用の理由は?

SC: We recorded "Rive" in September 2009 (two years ago now! - you can watch a short film we made about it on youtube) at our old rehearsal "house" (actually Nico, our drummer's house where we used to practice), and once we were finished recording it Rafik was supposed to handle the mixing and mastering.

"Rive"をレコーディングしたのは2009年9月(もう2年も前だ!― Youtubeで僕らが作ったショートフィルムを見れるよ *インタビュー最下段参照)で、古いリハーサル用の「家」(ドラマーのNicoの自宅をかつては練習に使っていたんだ)で作業したけど、前にレコーディングを済ませたときには、確かにRafikがミックスとマスタリングを担当していたよ。

He handled all this in the past because, for one, he was interested in learning and getting better at it (he learnt all by himself, "We'll Build an Ark" being kind of a first experience...), and secondly we couldn't really afford paying for a recording session + mixing and mastering. In some way we see the band as a long-term progression, and doing all this by ourselves at first taught us a lot of important and necessary things for us to advance in the right manner.

彼が以前にこれら全てを担当していたのは、まず一つには彼はそれらの作業を学んで上達するのに興味津々だったこと(彼は独学で学んで、"We'll Build an Ark" が初仕事だった)、それから二つ目の理由としては、レコーディングのセッションに加えて、ミックスやマスタリングに払うお金がなかったからなんだ。バンドを長い目で見て発達するものだと考えれば、こんな形だけど最初に自分たちだけでレコーディングしたことで、今後最善のレコーディングをするための重要なことを学べたと思うんだ。

However, after the recording, Rafik first had to work on the Split record, which we had recorded just before, and due to a lot of material issues and lack of time it took him a few months to do so. After finishing the split record's mix, we decided that maybe it would be a good time to start working with another person. Benoît had contacted us to offer his work, so we took this opportunity to see what a new person could bring to our sound. In the end it was a great experience, as it broadened and objectified our vision of what we were doing, even though it took a long time to get things finished, as Benoit was building a brand new studio (Mikrokosm Recording Studios) at the same time and we had to delay the mix for a few months.

それでも、"Rive"のレコーディング後、まずRafikはレコーディングを済ませたばかりのスプリットの作業をすることになっていたんだけど、多くの物質的問題や時間不足で作業に数ヶ月を要してしまったんだ。スプリットのミックス終了後に決めたんだ、そろそろ別の誰かと仕事を始める頃合だってね。そこにBenoîtが僕らにコンタクトを取って仕事の申し出をしてくれたから、この機に乗じて新たな人が僕らのサウンドに何をもたらすかを確かめてみようと思ったんだ。結果的にそれは素晴らしい経験で、自分たちが何をやっているかというヴィジョンを対象化し、広げることになったわけなんだ。完成までに時間は相当にかかったんだけどね。まぁそれは、Benoîtが同時期に新しいスタジオを建設中(Mikrokosm Recording Studios)で、ミックス作業を数ヶ月遅らさざるを得なかったからなんだけど。

Quite a long story, but in the end the whole experience made us rethink and question many things. This all makes this release very important to us, as it represents months and months of work and patience.


TJP: As we know, Remi (Vo./Gr.) works on writing all the lyrics. Let me ask the question to Remi. Remi, what experience or feeling are the bases of your imagination in writing lyrics?

Remi(Vo./Gr.)は歌詞の全てを手がけています。どのような経験やフィーリングを源にSeila Chiaraの歌詞は生まれているのですか?

SC: I think what inspires me the most is watching and analyzing what we do as human beings. I wouldn't call myself a big film enthusiast, but I love watching films and I get a lot of my inspiration after watching them. Same goes for reading books. I also get inspiration from great conversations I've had with people, especially Magali, with whom I often talk about what I write, and these past years I was regularly on long train rides, which gave me time to think and write a lot.


In "Rive" ("to rive" means to tear apart, to divide), I talk about how humanity struggles to live together, be thoughtful and responsible. I talk about how we're destroying our own home, about divorce, the financial crisis, our need for religion, accepting death... subjects that animate and agitate me when I write about them.

"Rive"では("to rive"は、引き裂く、分かれるという意味)、如何にして人間が思慮と責任感を持って懸命に共生しているかを語っているんだ。如何に僕ら人間は自らの家を破壊しているのか、離婚、財政危機、信仰の必要性、死の受け入れ... といった、作詞の際に僕を駆り立て揺れ動かすような主題について語っているんだ。

I'm not the kind of writer to fill up notebooks with words everyday, but I spend a lot of time on each text I write. I want everything to have meaning, to be thought out, even though the other guys sometimes think I go too far haha. But I got into music for this, I didn't know how to sing but I had many things I wanted and probably needed to express.


TJP: We would like to know about your plans and vision from now on. Please tell us as much as you can right now, such as a tour schedule and so on.


SC: Right now we're working on something very special : we're doing some kind of musical research to keep on widening our musical culture and thus our inspiration sources. For example, we've been studying blues music, and we're about to dive into Jazz! We also want to get better technically in different aspects of songwriting and playing, get to know each other's sensibilities better, and generally build up an intense need to write songs for our first full-length album.


We don't know exactly how long we'll be doing this but it will probably last around 1-2 years. We might also build a new rehearsal place / small studio next year. We're really looking to do things in the long-term, to build the band on solid grounds. During this whole process, we're also highly motivated to play a bunch of shows, especially now that Rive is finally released. We'll probably try to play more shows in France (I think we played more shows in Germany than France...), and maybe go do a short tour in the south (to go see the guys from Up There : The Clouds in Italy and I Had Plans in Portugal maybe!). We're about to start working on all this, so I don't have any defined schedule yet.

1stアルバム完成までにどれだけかかるかは正確にはわからないけど、おそらく1、2年はかかるだろうね。僕らは来年に新しいリハーサル用の小さめのスタジオを建てるかもしれないね。長いスパンで活動して、バンドをしっかりとした地盤でやっていきたいと僕らは思っているよ。こうした全過程の間、僕らは何本ものショーをこなしたい強い衝動に駆られてもいるんだ。特に今は"Rive"がついにリリースされるわけだしね。恐らくフランスでもっとショーをしていくつもりだし(今まではフランスよりもドイツでのショーの回数のほうが多いと思う)、南の方にもショート・ツアーに行くと思うよ(イタリアのUp There : The CloudsやポルトガルのI Had Plansを見るためにね)。僕らは今まさにこれら全てに取り組み始めたばかりだから、スケジュールの詳細はまだわからないんだ

But most importantly, we all dream of going to tour in Japan. I'd love to play in what I consider my second home (I grew up in Kobe for 6 years) and the others, especially Stan (Gr.), are really passionate about the country. We'd also love to see Kimiyuki and the guys from Nonrem again, we miss them! So yeah, we definitely need to make this happen...

でも最も重要なのは、僕らは皆日本ツアーを夢見ているということなんだ。僕個人、第二の故郷で演奏したい気持ちが強いし(僕は6年間神戸で育ったんだよ)、特にStan (Gr.)を含めた他のメンバーも日本に熱烈な興味を持っているからね。もちろん、KimiyukiやNonremのメンバーたちにも再会したいし、彼らに会えなくて寂しいくらいさ!だからね、これを実現させないとね...。

TJP: Thank you, Seila Chiara! We hope that "Rive" will be listened to and favorably responded to by as many people as possible!


SC: Thank you Kimiyuki and Shun, for the interview and all the work you put into this release. Oh and, see you soon! ;-)


interview by Kimi and Shun.W
[+] 2011 - [Japanese-日本語] Rive Review - Grumble Monster (Webzine)
[+] 2011 - [Japanese-日本語] Self-titled 7" Presentation - Hyper Enough Records (Distro)
[+] 2011 - [German-Deutsch] Mit Musik Mut machen und ein Zeichen setzenPostrocker von Nonrem beherrschen die Kunst des Schreis - Saarbrücker Zeitung (Local newspaper)
[+] 2011 - [German-Deutsch] Seila Chiara, Nonrem & Die Nerven im JUZ Neunkirchen am 19. April 2011 - Gripweed's Gems (Blog)
[+] 2011 - [French-Français] Des talents à découvrir - Underly (Label & Management)
[+] 2011 - [French-Français] Chronique de "Split with Orfèvre" - Under-Gre (Webzine)
[+] 2011 - [German-Deutsch] Self-titled 7" - This borderline fuckup is still about to drool… (Blog)
[+] 2011 - [German-Deutsch] Self-titled 7" - Locked Groove (Blog)
[+] 2011 - [English] Self-titled 7" description - Moment of Collapse (label)
[+] 2010 - [French-Français] Chronique de "Split with Orfèvre" - Visual Music (Webzine)
[+] 2010 - [Japanese-日本語] Split record with Orfèvre Presentation - Diskunion (Distro)
[+] 2010 - [Japanese-日本語] Split record with Orfèvre Presentation - Hyper Enough Records (Distro)
[+] 2010 - [Japanese-日本語] Split record with Orfèvre Presentation - STM Online (Distro)
[+] 2010 - [French-Français] On en reparle bientôt (enfin, peut-être) #13 - Visual Music (Webzine)
[+] 2009 - [French-Français] Chronique de We'll Build an Ark - Shoot me again (Webzine)
[+] 2009 - [French-Français] Chronique de We'll Build an Ark - Metalorgie (Webzine)
[+] 2008 - [Japanese-日本語] We'll Build an Ark Presentation - STM Online (Distro)
[+] 2008 - [Japanese-日本語] We'll Build an Ark Presentation - Hyper Enough Records (Distro)